March 8th is International Women’s Day; in fact the entire month of March is Women’s History Month. What is your community doing to honor it? How about your local schools? Will your son or daughter come home with papers and projects related to Women’s History like they did Presidents Day, St. Patrick’s Day or even Valentine’s Day? Probably not.
That’s because for as far as “gender equality” has come in the year’s since the Women’s Suffrage movement, it still has not come nearly far enough. Most girls grow up knowing very little about the Women’s Suffrage movement, and what a long hard battle those women fought to simply say that we could step into a voting booth.
The women’s suffrage movement, which accomplished so much, was not a battle fought behind a desk by people in power. It was a movement that began with everyday women. Moms, wives, friends, sisters, poor women, rich women, black women, white women, it was women from all walks of life banding together to create a movement.
But many girls will go most of their childhood NOT hearing about this movement, or any of the other inspiring stories that should be shared in honor of Women’s History Month. So what can YOU do about it?
Here’s a list of things you can do to celebrate Women’s History Month where you live.
- Talk to the School – Talk to your child’s teacher about Women’s History Month. Ask if there are any lessons plans in place for Women’s History Month. If not, offer to do something. You can visit websites like this for lots of ideas.
- Read A Book – You don’t have to plan an entire activity. Find some books (check this list) for ideas and offer to read. (March 2nd just happens to be Read Across America Day as well). Maybe you can offer to celebrate at your child's school by reading a book to the class or read at any reading assemblies being planned. Choose a book from the above list, or any book about an amazing SheHero in history.
- Go on an Adventure – Do a little research and see if there are any activities near or around where you live celebrating Women’s History Month. Or see if any local museums have any exhibits or areas that have to do with women artists.
- Local History – Look up and research local history. Find out local history, the first woman mayor, when women first began voting in your area, local architecture and other things that may keep up with the theme of Women's History Month.
- Read Books & Watch Movies – Simple yes, but visit the library and Netflix and stock up on a batch of age appropriate books and movies about women from history.
- Use The Internet – The Internet is a treasure trove of information about women in history, take advantage.
- Celebrate Your Own History – Use Women’s History month is a great excuse to take your kids to visit Grandma and listen to stories about the amazing SheHeroes in your very own family!
So how are YOU planning on celebrating Women’s History Month?