There are many ways one can be a SheHero in the world. But the biggest impact we can have as individuals is on the younger SheHeroes around us every day. Our daughters, nieces, goddaughters, students, neighbors, etc. Recently I've been thinking about what we can do in our everyday lives that can make us SheHeroes to the girls we see everyday. Especially considering how much girls today need more SheHeroes in their lives while constantly being bombarded with weight loss commercials and horrible media messages everywhere they turn.
So I came up with a list of ways we can be SheHeroes and help out the girls in our life.
- Be There - Hang out. Take the young SheHero in your life out to ice cream, book shopping, the movies, or just hang out at home and play. The companionship of role models can make a huge difference in the life of a girl.
- Be Yourself - Be brave enough to hang out without make-up. Be self confident in the way you look and who you are. Be happy with who you are and it will rub off on the girls around you.
- Be Your Job - Whether you’re an engineer, homemaker, cashier, or boot shiner be proud of it. Show that there is dignity in every job and teach her that she can do whatever she wants to do, and feel good about it. Show pride in what you do.
- Be Confident - Even if you don’t always feel like it, compliment yourself in front of your SheHero. Always smile when you look in the mirror, and be happy with your curves and whatever unique flaws make you, you. Nothing teaches a girl to be happy in her own skin that seeing other women who are.
- Be Talkative - Always be ready to talk with your SheHero. About hair, school, books, math, TV, the news, politics, or Justin Bieber. In the car, at home, while making breakfast, walking to school or waiting at the pharmacy. Always keep the lines of communication wide open, so when she needs to talk to you about the serious stuff, she won’t hesitate.
- Be a Failure - Ok, so not in general, but when you mess something up or make a mistake own up to it and than let it go. Show your SheHero that we all make mistakes and wrong choices sometimes and it’s OK. Just own up, and move on. And don’t be afraid to share your adolescent disasters from time to time too. No one is perfect. Ever.
- Be Diligent - When watching TV, reading magazines or surfing the web, point out the airbrushed models, the silly marketing ploys on TV and the ridiculousness of TV shows. But also, point out every good model and positive life lesson you come across. Eventually she’ll be able to point these things out to you.
- Be Involved - Volunteer at school or somewhere in the community. Spend time with friends and get out and attend community events, be a part of your community, all with the SheHero in your life in tow. Being a part of a village or community is one of the greatest lessons you can teach her.
What would YOU add to this list?. Come on over to our Facebook page and post your suggestions on our wall or leave a comment right here.
photo credit: JOHN CORVERA via photopin cc