Forget Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day! Our favorite day this season is February 20th, “Girl Day”! We are so happy to help spread the word about the movement started by our friends at National Engineer’s Week. If this is the first you’ve heard of it here is a rundown from their website:
"Girl Day is a worldwide campaign to engage girls in engineering. Thousands of people--engineers, educators, and others--act as Role Models, facilitate engineering activities, and educate girls about how engineers change our world."
What better to celebrate than by introducing the SheHero in your life to the awesome world of engineering? So here are a few tips to help introduce all the SheHeroes in your life to engineering!
You can find many more ideas by visiting And if you’re a female engineer don’t forget to inspire a young girl today!
How do you plan on Introducing a Girl to Engineering this week? Share your ideas in the comments below or come on over to our Facebook page and post your suggestions on our wall.
photo credit: nasa hq photo via photopin cc