Behind the scenes on advisory board: Meet Von

I've been asked who our advisory board is and what they do several times in the past week.  Let's meet them over the next week!


Von is assistant superintendent of schools here in Boulder, Colorado, and is an amazing educator with a wealth of knowledge in both education and low income communities. He is helping us in our outreach to these communities.

Von is from Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he was last assistant superintendent of schools. He is nationally recognized for serving as principal for an inner city elementary school turnaround from 17% to 76% of students performing at standard in 3 years. He also was CEO of Twin City Rise program, an anti-poverty program.  Another great experience Von brings to us: football coaching and playing (Minnesota Vikings!).

Von is an expert on education, low income, youth, and team. He's truly wise and an invaluable resource for SheHeroes.

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Prospect, KY 40059