We have all seen magazines on the newsstands overflowing with images of airbrushed actresses and supermodels. A lot of research has shown in recent years that those images have a major impact on young girls, the increase of eating disorders among them and their self-image.
While watchdog groups attempt to point out airbrushed supermodels on major magazines covers, some actresses are even pointing out when they’ve been airbrushed on magazine covers.
In Britain the government is taking things even further in terms of holding magazines accountable for the images they portray to young girls. In the next month British officials will be meeting with advertisers, fashion editors and health experts to discuss how to help girls obtain a healthier body image.
Officials will be suggesting during these talks that fashions magazines and advertisers must labels ads that include women that have been airbrushed, photo shopped or retouched in any way so that girls and women who see the pictures know up front that they are not real.
This would not be the first time that a country has taken steps to protect women and girls from unrealistic advertising and magazine covers. In Australia magazines and advertisers must adhere to a very strict code of conduct when it comes to retouching and photo shopping images used in magazines.
Here in the United States we have seen an increase in the models and actresses themselves stepping forward to point out the images that are less then real.
In 2003 Kate Winslet stepped forward when GQ photo shopped a much thinner body onto her cover spread.
More recently Britney Spears released before and after pictures of a photo shoot she had done for the Candies for Kohl’s campaign. She agreed to release the images of her before and after they had been digitally enhanced to show the pressure put on women and girls to be perfect. Jamie Lee Curtis, Kim Kardashian and several other women have seen more real pictures of themselves be released.
At SheHeroes we understand that body image plays a huge role in boosting girls self-confidence and without that positive image a girl can struggle to achieve her goals in other areas if her life.
Take the time to sit down with your daughter and a fashion magazine. Together see if you can point out which photos have been enhanced.
Show her some before and after pictures like the ones mentioned above. When a girl can see that even the likes of Kim Kardashian and Britney Spears are altered to make them appear without imperfection, then they can appreciate their own imperfections.
Ask your daughter what she thinks about Britain’s plan to label enhanced photos. See if she can think of other ways magazines and advertisers should take responsibility of enhanced photos and the images they portray to young girls.
Giving your daughter a positive self-image is giving her the most important tool she will need to succeed while pursuing any dream she chooses. And by making sure she understands the standards of beauty that exist in society are unrealistic, you’re putting her miles ahead of the game.