Today I did something I rarely get the chance to do, I watched the Ellen show. I do love Ellen, but it’s on at awful time of day for me so I almost never get the chance. Today, I turned it on while I was doing some work around the house. I’m so glad I did because one of the guests she had on her show was Mo Isom.
Mo Isom is an amazing SheHero and student at Louisiana State University (LSU). Mo is an amazing woman. Since becoming a student at LSU she has been an All American soccer player for LSU, homecoming queen, lost her father to suicide and almost lost her life to horrific car accident.
Mo hasn’t let tragedy bring her down. Now she is trying her best to become the first female football player for LSU, the top college team in the nation and the second women to play college football at all.
Sadly Mo didn’t make the football team as a kickoff specialist but said she was welcomed to try and make the team as a place-kicker in August. “We reviewed her skill, the things she can do and do well," Miles said at his post practice press briefing. "We kind of felt like there's four guys on the team right now that would be ahead of anybody that tried out the other day, including Mo. I told her that today. She's going to go back and concentrate on extra points and field goals. She did not want to take that she couldn't make the team. She said, 'Do I get another opportunity if I get a lot better.' I said 'Sure.'" Said LSU football coach Les Miles.
And try again is just what Mo intends to do.
Here is a SheHero who is not going to let circumstances stop her from going after what she wants. Instead of complaining that she’s not making the team, she’s getting out there and working on the things she needs to works on to get better.
Mo embodies the whole idea of never giving up, no matter what. Which is what makes her SheHero story such a perfect one. I can’t express how much I love sharing stories like Mo’s and encouraging you to share them with your SheHeroes.
Has there ever been something you had to keep trying for?
Check out Mo's interview with Ellen here.