Since the fall of Roe v. Wade, stunning changes have occurred across America as states have passed various legislation for women's healthcare. From tweens, teens, to women of any age, many are confused and worried about what their healthcare future holds.
We are delighted to feature our very own SheHeroes cofounder, Sophia Yen. Dr. Yen is a pediatrician specializing in adolescent medicine. Along with two MIT alumnae (Sue Nagle and Cynthia Closkey) Sophia co-founded SheHeroes. She received her BS from MIT, and her medical degree from UCSF. She also received her masters in public health in maternal and child health from UC Berkeley. Passionate about family planning, Sophia is a reproductive rights advocate and has served on the executive board at the Center for Reproductive Rights and is the founder of the Silver Ribbon Campaign to Trust Women. Sophia also works at Stanford in the Department of Pediatrics as a clinical instructor.
This program offers a free-ranging conversation about all the questions or concerns you might have about your health and your daughters' health. From adolescent health, to birth control, to the impact of Roe v. Wade, and even menopause, Dr. Yen has the answers to ALL of your questions!