SheHeroes in the Garden: Katie's Krops

We LOVE showing off SheHeroes who are making the world a better place and 9 year old Katie is a perfect example of just that kind of SheHero! According to Katie’s website her project “Katie’s Krops” began when she was in the third grade and was working on a report on how the school could conserve water. Katie came up with the idea of rain barrels. Now Katie has gardens that are producing over 2 tons of vegetables that are being used to help feed hungry families. Katie delivers her veggies to both families in need as well as soup kitchens.

But that doesn’t appear to be enough for this 9-year-old SheHero. Katie now plans on offering grants for kids between ages 9 and 16 in other states that want to start vegetable gardens for the needy. You can check out the application here.

As Katie’s website says, and her actions prove “It Only take a seedling!”

We here at SheHeroes want to applaud Katie (and everyone involved with Katie’s Krops). And we’d also like our readers out there to share Katie’s story with the kids in their life and encourage them to start their own garden and apply for Katie’s Opal Apple Grant!

Rules for the grant (as listed on the website) are:

The grant winners will receive materials to start a vegetable garden to feed people in need in their community. The winners will be awarded a gift card to a garden center in their area (up to $400), support from Katie’s Krops, and a digital camera to document the garden and the harvest. Applications for all types of vegetable gardens, such as a container garden if you live in a city, or a vegetable garden located in your neighborhood or at your school, will be considered. Applicants must be between the ages of 9 and 16 as of March 1, 2012.  Groups of kids such as classes or youth groups may apply but the applicants must fall into the age requirements. Applications must be postmarked by March 5, 2012.  All applications must be filled out completely and signed by a parent or legal guardian.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start planting!

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