Since signing on to work for SheHeroes a few years back, I have learned a great deal about the things that matter to me as a mom of both a girl and a boy. But despite reading about, writing about and talking to people about the ways Body Image and the media are hurting our children, I often find myself still at a loss for words.
One of my biggest challenges is trying to instill healthy living habits in my kids and myself while still trying to fight the ongoing battle of body image that continues to play out on television, magazine and of course on the playground. When they question me about their bodies and clothes and what they see on TV I always find myself wondering if I am giving the right answers. The answers that will help ensure the foundation of a strong sense of self and body image is being constructed to help them as the grow up.
Yes, even someone who spends their work day discussing these issues can question the dos and don’ts when faced with those questions at home during dinner with her own children.
This is why when author Marci Warhaft-Nadler asked me to read and review her book, The Body Image Survival Guide for Parents; I was more than interested to take a look.
What I found was an easy read with a wealth of information that helped answer a lot of the questions I often ask myself as a mom. The first part of the book is divided into age groups. I found the chapters relating to my children’s ages (4-8 and 9-12) to be extremely timely and happily talked about the issues facing both boys and girls.
I was excited to read the chapter for tweens and teens, since this is an age I often worry about and am always happy to prepare for as much as possible.
Though I found a lot of helpful tools and tips in the entire book, the thing I found the most unique and helpful was that Chapter One focuses on ages 0-3 (titled Do I Look Fat in these Diapers?).
I so absolutely wish I had this guide when I was pregnant. This book is at the top of my baby shower gift list from now on. Though any parent with toddle, pre-school, or school-aged kids will benefit greatly from giving The Body Image Survival Guide for Parents a read.
But more importantly, so will their kids.
The Body Image Survival Guide for Parents will be published in February 14, 2013 but advanced copies are now available through the author’s Fit vs. Fiction website.