Today we celebrate the birthday of SheHero Jeanette Rankin. Rankin's place in women's and American history is pivotal.
Jeanette Pickering Rankin was the first woman elected to the United States House of Representatives and the first female member of the Congress. She was known as the Lady of the House.
Jeanette was a pacifist who voted against both WWI and WWII, the only person to do the latter.
Admired by Martin Luther King Jr. she led over 5,000 women to the Capital to protest the war in Vietnam. She spent decades as a lobbyist working to reduce infant immortality rates, she fought war, she helped found the American Civil Liberties Union and was a founding member of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.
Jeanette Rankin is a great choice if you’re looking for SheHeroes in history to read up on during summer vacation, right? Heroica Films put together a film about the life of this amazing woman called, A Single Woman that is available on DVD and is a great way to learn more.
Maybe you can share it with the SheHero in your life who may be in need of a little lesson in Women’s History. Because after all the only way we’re going to get where we’re going is by remembering where we came from.
We'd love to hear from you! Who are some of YOUR favorite SheHeroes in history that you hope to read up on this summer?